Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Dawn to Dusk - Finished!

I didn't post last week as I was so close to a finish, I decided to skip one week. Dawn to Dusk was just about done, all that was left was the outer border and the beading on the brocade. 

It took a full weekend to stitch the outer border. You can't see all the stitches, but I stitched around that border five times.

It took two evenings to complete the beading.

And it's done! I really enjoyed stitching this piece but I do admit that brocade was really tough to get through. Whatever you do, don't leave it till the end!

I tried taking pictures showing the sparkle of the piece but couldn't get it across. Still, you can appreciate the textures all the different materials give it. By the way, I didn't end up modifying the last motif. I was convinced not to change it, but I think by then I was ready to move on so it wasn't very hard to do. I also had to share a picture of the back, the brocade reminded me so much of tweed fabric.

For those curious about the kit, I purchased mine directly from Karen Dudzinski and she includes full skeins and reels of everything. I have lots leftover to bling other projects and way more of that ribbon than I'd like. I'm not a big fan of ribbon embroidery no matter how pretty.

As for Dawn to Dusk, it's going into storage with my other canvas pieces waiting to be framed. I'll probably frame it once the COVID situation is better. I normally say this will be the last canvas piece I do, but I learned my lesson last time. You never know what piece you'll come across and fall in love with. So I will keep an open mind.


  1. Congratulations on the Happy Dance for this gorgeous project. It looks so different in this colourway. Very classic and the texture of stitches really shows up.
    You certainly get good value from the supplies too. Canvaswork can use a lot of thread so it's good to have plenty on hand.

  2. Wow, it's beautiful. The back looks nearly as good as the front! This is definitely on my must do list (someday).

  3. Congratulations indeed. It's been quite an epic, hasn't it!

  4. Beautiful work, this has turned out a real treasure, I love the colours.

  5. Wow, that's just gorgeous! I can see why the brocade and border would be time consuming and maybe a bit boring to do, but they just give such a satisfying overall look. Well done!

  6. Absolutely stunning - you truly did justice to this piece.
