Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Major Milestone

A short post, but I just want to celebrate the fact that I'm almost half-way through Bramble and the Rose. *Cue fireworks*

I'm not quite at the half-way mark, but what's a few or 50 stitches when you're looking at the bigger picture. 

I was looking at my records and I started this piece the day before I flew out to South Korea on April 19, 2013. Since then it's been all over the place with me, if I traveled anywhere I packed it to go with me. The only time I worked on it when I wasn't travelling was New Year's eve. It took me 7 years to get to this point but that's okay. It's a marathon, not a sprint!

Speaking of sprints, I think Midnight Meander will get finished very quickly. I worked on it for a few hours on Sunday and progress on the stems were going pretty fast. I just need a good few days to just sit and stitch, and it will be done in no time. 

Isn't it great timing that I will be on vacation starting tomorrow? I will be off for a week and a half, chances are I will not post an update next week as I will be avoiding my computer. I will be posting on my Instagram account, so you can follow me there.


  1. Your work is so beautiful and gorgeous!

  2. Congratulations! And the Meander going well, too!

  3. Amazing piece of work, it´s really beautiful.

  4. Congratulations on reaching the half-way complete point! Here's to the next 7 years of travelling and stitching.
    Hope you are enjoying your holiday, even if you can't travel very far. More time for your embroidery.

  5. Lovely progress and love seeing Bramble in the sun for once, the colours are so different! Hope you have a great vacation.
