Monday, March 21, 2016

The Case of the Blahs

No post last week. Right after my last one, I suffered from a case of the blahs that lasted a whole week. I don't think I picked up a needle even once. Instead I spent it on this:

It's not stitching, but it's the closest thing to it. The pattern looks like a cross stitch pattern printed on some sort of thick fabric that is covered with a sticky layer. It's then covered with little square crystals that actually match to a DMC color. It was almost a shame covering up the pattern. I would have like to stitch it.

This is one of two kits I bought from the Creative Festival last year, but you can get something very similar off Ali express. They call it diamond painting cross stitch. I'm tempted to order another one. The ones on Ali express come with a handy pen to pick up the crystals instead of tweezers (my fingers are sore lol). But I still have one kit left and will be way to busy in the coming months to get distracted with this. So I'll pass for now.

Once I finished this little kitty, I was quickly over my case of blahs. I actually managed to make and finish two pieces I was planning on making for a gift. You'll have to wait to see them in May :) but it's such a relief to know that I will be ahead of schedule.

Now I really need to get back to Fandango as it's been sorely neglected.


  1. I know what you mean. It's suppose to be in the 15's (C) all this week, but the rain keeps rolling over every other day so there's no point trying to do anything outside in the yard. I've heard of this kind of tile art before. It looks nice, but what happens when the sticky pad dries out and the tiles fall off. ;-)

  2. Congrats on the cute finish. Love the design.


  3. That sounds different and interesting - so glad it got rid of the blahs.

  4. Changing what you're working on is the quickest way I know of to get through the blahs!

  5. That's neat! It's kind of a mosaic?

  6. That's an interesting idea! I have discovered apps for jigsaws on my iPad which is a fun way of passing time when I can't stitch. Like when I'm eating breakfast!

  7. The blahs must be going around Dima - I have had them too lately. I think I am ready for spring but it refuses to come The kitty pattern is cute - sometimes it takes something more crafty to drive the blahs away - sounds like kitty did the job!
