Friday, October 7, 2016

Fandango Center: Done!

Finally sat myself in front of Netflix and finished those fans :)

In my last post on Fandango, I had mentioned that in Punto Antico woven bars come in pairs because of the fans pulling and creating a curve. You can see that in the picture below. I actually quite like the effect, it's a little change from all the straight lines of the square.

In each corner of the square there are more needle-laced fans. For these four, I had to watch my tension so I wouldn't distort the satin stitches. If you want to learn how to make a fan, Gingerbread Girl Designs has a wonderful video on Youtube on how to stitch a variation of this fan.

It's been a while since I showed an image of the overall piece so here it is (sorry for the bad lighting).

Here is what is left to do:
  • Needlelace fans for the two small squares on the right (there is a possibility of having to redo one of the left ones because I'm picky)
  • (big breath) Bullions ALL around the border and within the piece
  • Palestrina knot swirls (there are 16)
  • Buttonhole edge to finish off the hem
I think I can do it before end of year :) What do you think? And to make sure it happens, I'm going to start working on those bullions this Thanksgiving long weekend.


  1. Gorgeous! The beads are a nice touch.

  2. Wow, that centre block is gorgeous. You can finish by year end, I'm sure of it. Pom poms at the ready!

  3. Without knowing how much time you can devote to it, I won't guess whether you'll be done by Christmas - but I do think you are making great progress!

  4. Wow! This is so pretty with all the dancing fans and I am sure it can be done soon! Thank you for the links!

  5. Awesome work on those fans! They look amazing. I like the way they pull the edges into a curve too. The whole piece is beautiful.

  6. Wonderful work, such a gorgeous design and lots of interesting stitching, just my cup of tea.

  7. Wow it's stunning. I love the way the fans pull the needle woven bars into arcs
